Sounds about right. Shopped at the outlets frequently for sneakers and other items. People also take knowing their credit history for granted. Back in the day (I forget when they changed the laws to make credit info accessible, 90s?) the banks kept all that info hidden from you. If you were poor, you really had no way of knowing what was even on your credit report.

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Good comment.

And no/limited internet. It was a lot harder to get the info.

Layaway, predatory loans, pawn shop loans, etc. were all used.

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Layaway, forgot about that. My folks did that a lot.

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Only way somethings would ever got purchased.

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Great post. Yes, nobody should be investing on 30K. Get your income up. I'd even argue there's a difference between investing and degenerate gambling.

Keep it coming.

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Much better resources out there on side hustles, wifi $ etc. But 100% you can hustle to 6-figs.

We have a lady come once a month to deep clean the home. No website, only word of mouth, and she is booked solid 6 days a week. Clears 6-figures a year easy.

Get that income up is the absolute first step.

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