Real Good Personal Finance Advice
You should have credit cards.
You should refinance all your debt for as long as possible.
You should invest in options to lower your risk while improving returns.
Your $5 a day investment won’t let you retire & being frugal sucks
Does that fly in the face of all the personal finance platitudes you typically here? Good. If anything Dave Ramsey said actually made people rich, there wouldn’t be a reason for a follow-up from his first book. He certainly wouldn’t need to make 8 books….Clearly the only person getting rich off Davey Boy’s books is himself.
So if you are tired of fake gooroos doling out terrible takes like:
“No credit cards”
“No Debt”
“Be more frugal then buy blue-chip dividend stocks”
This is the place for you. Because when you see the above, what you should hear is:
“You have no credit history and miss out on free money”
“You don’t understand how inflation or opportunity cost works”
“You will be miserable and wind up slightly less poor”
What You Get By Subscribing:
Real good personal finance advice from someone who grew up below the poverty line and has made it to the top %
A look into real-life financial decisions
Some free $$ alpha (likely once paid subcscription set up & only for paid subscribers)
And a random rant on family, fitness, or other bad advice I run across that is too common and needs fixing
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