Yes. You probably have unclaimed property sitting out there waiting for you.
Yes. It is as simple as filling out a claim and maybe providing proof to get it.
It is shocking the amount of unclaimed property that is sitting out there. Honestly, there is probably a good business of just finding large sums of unpaid money and contacting people for a finder’s fee for the intrepid youngster with no business ideas.
The first time we looked, we found an old paycheck from college that got lost in the shuffle, a property tax reimbursement after we sold a rental home that was sent to the rental home address, and leftover escrow from a bank. It totaled a few grand.
We also found money for family members, some of it was a decade old.
Unclaimed property is the next in the series of ‘free money’ posts.
We continue to provide opportunities for you to profit magnitudes more than the cost of membership with a few clicks from your computer. See:
SOFI free money promo (and now 3.75% Savings Rate on account)
Surviving A Recession (talk about churning accounts & mention unclaimed property)
Now we will walk you through the process of searching for and claiming your unclaimed property.