I’m excited to announce the first BowTied F’er product. I have been working on this since Q3 of last year and it has gone through many iterations with info being added and refined to try to make a crisp story.
I even had Mrs. F’er, who has never done anything with finances and is grossly indifferent to the topic but great at writing, do the editing. The fact that she made it to the end bodes well for the level of entertainment and information in it. And she learned a handful of facts.
The feedback from a fellow BT who is a real G was “selling this for less than a year’s sub ($100) is dumb, this will help people to the tune of $1,000s and a lot of people who struggle with finances make a lot of money so $100 is nothing for them”.
In short, I feel good about the product. And I want to thank paid subs, so despite a price <$100, (only $24.69…two for 69….nice) after the paywall I have a discount code for any of you. 90% off the product or 2-months of subscription.
And anyone who leaves a review for the ebook, whenever our next product goes live, you will get a discount code for that as a thank you.